Saturday, July 15, 2017


Written by Mahmoud Hakamian
Published: 14 July 2017

The state-run Javan newspaper, an undisclosed organ of the Revolutionary Guards, published an article Monday, July 19, 2009, on the circulation of government newspapers that are being published and distributed under the supervision and censorship of the regime's audit, and confessed bankruptcy and stagnation of these newspapers.
Part of the article states: “There are about 200 newspapers in Iran and their circulation is between 200 to 300 thousand copies per day. If we leave aside several newspapers in the capital, the circulation of the rest, especially the town newspapers, will be about 100 copies sold per day! ”
“And if we divide the whole circulation into the number of all the newspapers, every newspaper will have 5,000 copies printed! “
“Noteworthy for readers: No publisher agrees to print less than 10,000 copies of a newspaper. As a result, the newspaper chiefs sign a print contract for 10,000 copies, but on the sidelines they agree to print only 100 copies! “
And thus, the regime claims that in this country, as in all parts of the world, there is a newspaper, a magazine, a periodical, etc.
This, of course, represents only one fact, and the fact is that there is a deep and incessant interruption between the nation and the regime. Because when we look at non-government media like social networks, statistics are basically something else.
Pavel Durov, the owner of the Telegram messaging system had said that Telegram has about 40 million users in Iran! Naturally, other social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and so on, each have their own special customers among Iranians, and thus the news and cultural communication between Iranians is the best and where it is interrupted it is between the people and the regime and government media.
This disconnection does not include only the media of the hardliners (Khamenei’s bands), but also newspapers affiliated to Rouhani (incumbent regime’s president) are no better than this, and this is where people are well aware and have problems for the recognition or adjustment of the relationship with the whole system and various regime bands.
The statistics show that if the Iranian regime can raise the small number of electoral votes and display them as large by adding a large coefficients to the number of votes in the vote aggregation rooms, but in the case of the press and the media, this is no longer possible, and the result is that the organ of the Revolutionary Guards has declared that the state-run newspapers including itself have little circulation!
There is an old saying that the circulation of the newspapers and the media of a country is a symbol of the nation's relations with the ruling system and indicative of the political atmosphere of the country.
Here it is also necessary to refer to the Mojahed publication, the official organ of the People's Mujahidin Organization of Iran (MEK) during the first few years of the revolution before the 30 June 1981 and the closure of the political space.
In those years, the circulation of the Mojahed magazine reached the limit of one million copies a day! The statistics received from the regime indicate up to 500 thousand copies per day and, more recently, 700 thousand copies per day have been revealed and acknowledged by the political deputy the Interior Ministry during the era of the regime’s former president Mohammad Khatami.
Perhaps this publication does not indicate anything for some, especially young people, but it worth noticing and would be significant when we consider that the MEK were publishing a newspaper with a circulation of one million mostly in secret printing shops, with no state-owned racks, no official printing press, and not even official distribution network! And when sometimes the cargo of their publications went down, like when one of the secret printing presses was discovered in 1979, the Revolutionary Guards burned and destroyed 60,000 copies of the Mojahed publication.
On the other hand, the massive transfer of the Mojahed publication to the distant cities and districts of the country was another issue and a challenge in the distribution of the journal, a factor that is never understood by the government newspapers.
But many patriotic and revolutionary drivers volunteered to visit the MEK's secret places every day, and receive the city circulation quotas and deliver them to their respective destinations, a practice that in the suppressive atmosphere of the country was often considered a suicide operation.
So today, at a higher pace, the MEK are still an unmatched flagship leader of a progressive culture with millions of supporters. The culture that was irrigated in the country with the blood of tens of young and teenage girls and boys, supporters of the MEK, during the distribution of the Mojahed publication.

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